8 Things I Look For In Books // does it show that I am desperate for recs?

Excellent news alert! I just found out I got selected for a blog tour for one of my most anticipated releases of 2021! *happy little jig* Pretty good, right?

Soo what are we going to talk about today? That’s right, Rachel is going to list certain things that generally (pfft what a joke, the correct word is always) make her fall heads over heels in love with a book. And since short (what an understatement) introductions have become somewhat of a trend on this blog, we get started immediately.

Presenting – The 8 things that I love in books!

#1 Found Family. Let’s face it. Found family is THE best trope to ever exist, and I know I’ll never in my life get tired of it. After all its no coincidence that on Goodreads my ‘found family’ shelf is pretty similar to my ‘best books ever’ shelf, right?

#2 Banter. Come on, give me all that (friendly, or not?) rivalry with the sharp retorts, the stupid (sometimes actually funny, admit it) puns and the hiding of smiles at witty remarks.

#3 Sass. What is a book without at least one sassy character? We all know and love the fearless badass females who never seem lost for words and have the most incredible way of doing or saying even the most mundane things.

#4 Grumpy-Sunshine trope. I realize I can’t call this the best trope ever since I already did that in #1. BUT this is a very close second. It provides for plenty of banter, and who doesn’t love seeing the classic ‘grumpy’ character pretending he’s annoyed but is secretly enjoying the quirks of the ‘sunshine’?

#5 Characters who like to read. Ah well I like to know I’ve atleast something in common with fictional characters, and since I am never going to be brave enough wage battles against the evil, my love for reading will have to do.

#6 Mr. Narrowed Eyes who walks with a flashing neon sign that says “I am evil with no emotions” but is actually a sensitive marshmallow. I actually made an entire post about this trope earlier this year(I still have no idea what it’s called so I made up a name). So these are basically characters who for some incomprehensible reason keep trying to prove to the world just how evil they are but they are the exact opposite.

#7 Mind-boggling endings. It might seem a bit out-of-the-ordinary but I actually enjoy books ending in a way that makes my mouth hang open trying to process everything.

#8 Lots of things happening all at once. It’s no secret that I like to see lots of action and fast paced reads are generally my type (though I have been proved wrong on more than one occasion).

As you probably may have gathered, it would not be inaccurate if I would have titled this post as “Things I Loved In Six Of Crows”, but we’re going to ignore that. Please and thank you.

What are some things you love seeing in books? Let’s chat in the comments!

Missed my previous posts? Click on the links below to read them!

Books As Road Trips // a random post that emerged out of the void

The Young Elites vs The Hype-o-Meter!

49 thoughts on “8 Things I Look For In Books // does it show that I am desperate for recs?

  1. I agree with a lot of your list, but especially #2. I appreciate witty dialogue (in books and IRL) SO much. It brings characters to life so much. I also appreciate, if the book is fantasy or has a magical world of some kind, if the author is able to meld it seamlessly into the story, AND doesn’t have to write 200 pages to try to explain the magic. Just make it something not so far out there I can understand and relate to it, and have it complement and not distract from the story itself – that’s a winner for me!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Omg what’s a book with more than 2 characters but no witty dialogue, right?? So glad you agree.
      Ah of course, info dumps are the worst, especially if the world and magic is not even that complicated… I tend to skim read through those pages which is simply exaggerated world building. Intriguing magic systems win me over too! (any recs for me?)
      Thank you so much for reading!!


  2. I agree with you on all your points!! Those are the things I look for as well! I find that these elements make a book more fun and enjoyable!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yay good to hear that Maddie! These are, if I’m being dramatic, the *soul* of any book, and if a book has even a couple of these executed nicely, it’s sure to become a favourite of mine.
      Thank you for reading, have a fantastic day ahead!!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yay glad you liked it Nashita!! Who knows, I might write the *perfect* book with all of these things… someday haha.
      Omg thank you so much for the rec, I’ll definitely add Gilded Wolves to my tbr!
      Thank you for reading, have an amazing day ahead 😊


  3. I love the found family trope too – it’s one of the best tropes! Banter is another element I love as well 😍


    1. It really is, isn’t it?! Do you prefer the found family to be related by blood or otherwise?
      Banter, according to my humble opinion, is THE BEST ESPECIALLY IF IT IS IN ‘DARKER’ BOOKS! Sorry for the screaming haha, I just really love it.
      Thanks for reading!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I think I prefer the found family when they’re not blood related because to me it just makes their bond even more special, yk?
        Ahaha, don’t worry about it, people gushing about books always makes me happy too. And I agree!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Okay this was exactly what I was hoping you’d say (*nervous chuckle*) because I completely agree!! Like especially when that family just goes from being a band of misfits who would willingly kill each other to people who’d die for each other, THAT just tugs at my heartstrings!


  4. I love ALL of those tropes in books! I can’t even really rank them, but everything you mentioned is something I enjoy as well, especially the found family trope but also the grumpy/sunshine duo. *sigh* books that include all that are the best!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It would be the worst kind of torture there is if I were to rank these books 😱 so I totally feel you haha.
      I know right?! Who knows, perhaps someday I’ll write the perfect book with all of these tropes!!
      Thank you for the lovely comment 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  5. omg yesss found family and banter are the best!! also characters who act tough on the outside, but are actually cinnamon rolls, honestly get me every time lol. i also adore enemies to lovers, and the grump-sunshine trope! love this post sm 💕


    1. Yay this shows you have brilliant taste haha. I can never resist a good found family and banter is honestly so underrated. I know, I just want to protect those characters with my life!!
      Aw thank you for reading Ahaana 💙

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