The Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag 2022

Normal people have mid-life crises. Bookworms have mid-year crises. Doesn’t seem that different, until you realize that hiding in dark corners where books from your huge tbr —books that you’d PROMISED you’d read in JANUARY and you blinked and now it’s somehow already JUNE and they are as unread as ever— cannot give you death glares is NOT something normal people do.

And what is the cure to this inevitable bookish sobbing? More books! Preferably not from the aforementioned tbr (YOU DON’T SCARE ME um- *whimpers*), instead ones that you just chanced upon a moment ago while scrolling through goodreads! That’s the glorious bookworm life folks.

Soo apparently I have decided not to stick with the original tag because rachel has trouble following convention—it’s a rebellious phase *shrugs*—so I’ve changed and added questions here and there but it’s still fun i promise. (but that’s not a blood oath or anything mind you, so don’t come at me if you end up falling asleep halfway through)

because we stan math in this house… Bookish Stats!

Soo I’ve actually been working on tracking my reads this year in a very organized way so that I do not become a sorry mess at the end of the year. Hence all the numbers!

Considering that my goal for the year is 65, im doing pretty decently at 39 halfway through!

Honestly there are fewer 2022 releases than I thought, but atleast that means I’ve been finally catching up on my backlist tbr! 3 out of these 8 were ARCs anyway.

2022 will forever be known as the year I took baby steps into the adult age-range! Since I turned 15 earlier this year, it was about time really. My experience with it? Well I have mixed feelings- while most of the adult books I read were awesome (and a couple became new favourites!) there were some that completely let me down *cough* Jade City *cough*. (any recs for this newbie??)

I’ve managed to score some diversity points too because I’ve actively been scourging for books with a central queer representation and those by asian authors. While I’m still slightly disappointed that asian authors made up only about a quarter of my reading so far this year, I’m hoping to increase the number by the year end so cheer me on! (also feel free to scream recs at me)

(note: if you are a math nerd like me, you might have noticed these don’t add up to 39! that’s because some of my reads belonged to two or more genres, for example there were books which were a mystery set in the contemporary world)

Who knew my least read genre of 2021 (because I only started reading it in November) would be my most read so far this year? I blame summer. The heat turns my brain to mush and makes it incapable of processing fantasy or historical fiction.

Also. You’re not dreaming. I really did not read a SINGLE sci-fi this year. I guess I got tired of space missions after all. (not to mention i actually have to use BRAIN CELLS to comprehend it)

Remember how one of my goals for this year was to conquer the world that growing physical tbr?? To no one’s surprise I failed MISERABLY. The physical tbr has only gotten bigger and so has my kindle library. Oh well.

Best Book(s) Of 2022 So Far

Soo I cheated because I couldn’t bring myself to pick 1 or even 2 out of these. Eh I make the rules here remember? BUT you’ve got to appreciate the RANGE i have here like-

our violent ends: omg omg omg chloe gong did it again! this romeo and juliet retelling set in 1920’s shanghai, sequel to the iconic These Violent Delights, was a whole EXPERIENCE. it gave me multiple heart attacks but SO. WORTH. IT.

fable + namesake: a gripping pirate-y adventure if i ever saw one. so addictive i put aside all my assignments and dedicated one entire weekend to finishing the duology. (which, in hindsight, did not work out so well later.)

dial a for aunties: this rom com slash murder mystery was so unique and so chaotic oh my gosh! there’s a lot of frantic running about trying to hide a dead body at a billionaire wedding so obviously! also the asian aunties were ICONS i love them so much i-

pride and prejudice: what was i doing with my life before i read this?? gossiping about scandalous society affairs? it could be a possibility because i literally do not remember a time i was NOT obsessed with elizabeth and mr. darcy.

when you get the chance: a delightful book with one of the most realistic and lovable main characters ever written! my first and favourite emma lord book!!

New Releases I Haven’t Read Yet But Want To

queen of the tiles: mystery, scrabble, muslim rep?? SIGN ME UP. [released april 19]

sofi and the bone song: i’ve been hearing great things and this musical fantasy sounds right up my alley. [released april 19]

a magic steeped in poison: tea brewing competition sounds delicious and that cover has my whole heart so [released march 29]

Most Anticipated Release(s) For Second Half Of The Year

foul lady fortune: AHHHHH ok let’s all calm down *deep breaths* AHHHHHHHHHHHH i mean i’d devour anything chloe gong writes but there’s SPYING and i’ve been going FERAL over those little snippets she likes to keep torturing us with-

a million to one: DESI HEIST ON THE TITANIC?? omg omg omg can the time between now and the release date just go home??

Biggest Disappointment(s)

blazewrath games: how can anything with DRAGONS be so disappointing is beyond me. the characters talked and behaved like 12 year olds and the plot didn’t set well with me.

flip the script: same old same old. highly anticipated release turns out to be a huge disappointment because of a weird childish writing style and predictable storyline.

Book(s) That Made Me Happy

dial a for aunties: i mean, if you can call rolling-on-the-floor-laughing-plus-chortling as happy, sure.

so this is ever after: all the characters are so lovable gosh and its overall so weird?? but in a good way? and the fact how everyone is so casually queer and it is never made a big deal of makes me so happy.

Favourite New Author

emma lord: my first book by lord was her latest release ‘when you get the chance’ and after that i made it my personal mission to devour everything she writes. 3 books so far and no disappointments.

Most Beautiful Book(s) I Bought This Year

a far wilder magic: bought this one very recently and i am in love with the shiny greens on the cover! i can’t wait to find out if the story is just as good!!

pride and premeditation: ahhh the cover art is gorgeous and i had fun choosing crayola pens to go with it for booksta! (also it is a pride and prejudice retelling but MURDER MYSTERY!! and it was so amazing like-)

Books I Need To Read By The End Of The Year

Favourite books of 2022 so far?? (RECS PLEASE) Books that made you happy?? Have you read any of these? Let’s freak out together in the comments!


28 thoughts on “The Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag 2022

  1. i’ve been really slumping lately so my tbr’s genuinely SCARING me hahaha 😭😭 i love emma lord’s books and these violent delights and our violent ends are literally my favourites so i’m glad you love them tooooooo!!! the year’s flying by so fast ahhh 💕

    Liked by 2 people

    1. story of every reader’s life ;)) but hopefully you get back to reading soon! ahh im so glad i came across emma lord’s works and ofc tvd is just>>>
      i know?? it was literally new year’s eve yesterday :”)

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m glad to see I’m not the only one cheating horrendously by answering these questions with multiple books (HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO JUST PICK ONE, THOUGH? 🤯😫) and skipping some of the questions! 😂 AND ALSO, THOSE MATHY CHARTS!! 🤗🤩🤗🤩 Obviously, I loved everything about them.

    I also highly approve of your books you have to read by the end of the year answer – I mean, If We Were Villains and Evelyn Hugo are on there! 🥰 And The Poppy War! And With The Fire on High! And, while it’s not my favorite series ever, I do also really like Shades of Magic, so I’m looking forward to your thoughts 😊

    And as for recs? I don’t even know where to start! There are so many!! 🤗 But an adult book that I haven’t mentioned on my blog in a while and really love is The Stories Life of A.J. Fikry, for example… It’s cute, adorable, book-nerdy, and has a bit of heartbreak, so I can really see you liking it, too! 🥰


  3. oooh Rachel i love those stats! what do you use to track your reading?

    i have been reading so much of Asian authors this year as well! it is saddening that despite Asia being the biggest continent it occupies such little part of the book industry.

    our violent ends was an absolute delight. ohh sorry blazewrath was a disappoint. for some reason i wanna read it haha. great post!


  4. RACHEL OMG I LOVE THIS POST AND TAG SM. your blurb for fable is such a mood😭 also, your desciption of a million to one being a desi heist on the titanic has me booking it to goodreads and storygraph ASAP. and omg IF WE WERE VILLAINS!!!! ahhh i can’t wait to hear your thoughts on it!! great post💜


  5. The queen of tiles and a magic steeped in poison both are on my tbr! I hope you enjoy reading them! I hope you love if we were villains, it’s a pretty great book IMO. Now I really want to read dial a for aunties because I love chaotic shenanigans😅


  6. omg omg rachel you’ve read so many great books so far and have such amazing ones on your tbr!! i LOVED pride & prejudice, when you get the chance, and dial a for aunties. and ahh a list of cages is absolutely gorgeous (you might also need some tissues 🤧) a darker shade of magic and instructions for dancing are also some of my all-time faves 😭i’m sorry to hear jade city was a disappointment though, i’ve heard such amazing things about it 🥲


  7. AHHHH I ADORE THIS😭 and yes it is a bookworm STAPLE to have that iconic mid year crisis when you’re falling behind your reading goal ✌️(I’m totally NOT speaking from experience *cough* )
    Y E S WE LOVE MATH IN THIS HOUSEHOLD AND THOSE STATS!!! my little math loving heart exploded looking at how pretty they are!!
    oooh adult recs- station eleven !! one of my faves and probably the only adult book I’ve ever read because I am a wimp 🙂 AND OMG SCI FI WORLDS ARE TOO MUCH FOR MY TINY BRAIN TO COMPREHEND 😭
    my physical TBR has just increased immensely this year so I’m with you on that hahaha
    OUR VIOLENT ENDS AHHHHH HAVE WE SCREAMED ABOUT IT ENOUGH??? I THINK NOT!! that ending broke me 😭 and I promise I’ll get to pride and prejudice(someday)
    oooh hope you enjoy a magic steeped in poison! I read it recently and it’s pretty fun but I found it a tiny bit underwhelming 🥲
    OH OH FOUL LADY FORTUNE!! i NEED it in my life, and a million to one too!! I swear I am going to hyperventilate when both of them come out!
    Flip the script=🤢🤮 let’s not even get started on that writing ✋😭
    A DARKER SHADE OF MAGIC!!! YES GO READ IT PLEASE AND LETS FREAK OUT and ahhh seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo too, I HOPE YOU ENJOY!! I kissed shara wheeler was spectacular as well aksjsksk !


  8. Loved seeing the graphs/stats about how your year has been so far!! I’ve also read more ebooks than paperbacks etc, it’s just so much easier to read!

    I hope you enjoy if we were villains, and the seven husbands of evelyn Hugo – I love those books ! 💛💛


  9. It’s ridiculous how time likes to torture us like this?? WHAT DID WE EVEN DO TO IT, RIGHT?? #EVILNESS
    but never mind. we shall be rebellious AND MURDER TBRS!! FUN STUFF!
    YES please!! Let’s talk about how TERRIBLE flip the script is?? The characters AND NON-EXISTENT PLOT AND TO THINK IT HAD SO MUCH POTENTIAL??? 


  10. I finally started to get back into reading about halfway through the year so no mid-year freak-out for me! I hope I can keep it up. I’m definitely going to have to check out Emma Lord! I’ve never read any of her books but they do sound good.


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