The Sunshine Blogger Award

Okay, so I still can’t believe it. I, for the first time ever, got nominated for a blogging award! Thank you so much Riddhi @Whispering Stories for nominating me. It is a really big deal for me.

What is The Sunshine Blogger Award?

The Sunshine Blogger Award is a blogging community-driven award wherein bloggers nominate their fellow bloggers. Its primordial intent is to bring recognition to bloggers, especially those who fly under the radar, for their inspiring, creative, and motivational blogs.

What are the Rules?
  1. Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
  2. Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.
  3. Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

Here are the answers to Riddhi’s questions

  1. When and why did you start blogging?

I started blogging in July (I think) this year. I didn’t have a lot of people around me who share my love for books. I started blogging so that I could talk about books with others who have the same interest.

2. What is your favourite thing about blogging?

As mentioned above, I could finally connect with other bookworms, who understood my love and my obsession with books. Blogging also gives me a sense of accomplishment whenever I achieve a reading milestone.

3. What is your least favourite thing about blogging?

Hmm, I guess it is just that for new bloggers like me, who don’t have a lot of friends on social media, it is difficult to get a good audience. Since there are so many blogs on WordPress, mine often goes unnoticed.

4. What are your hobbies beside blogging?

Reading, of course. I also like to listen to music, and I used to enjoy playing the guitar, but I am quite rusty at it now. Other than that, languages interest me a lot. I am currently learning German and French (and a tiny bit of Spanish) and am always looking for ways to improve my English grammar and vocab.

5. What would the title of your biography/biopic be?

It would definitely be something book-ish. “Between The Pages”, perhaps? Aghh, I am SO not good with titles.

6. Some advice for people who have just started blogging?

I have just started blogging myself, so I think it would be safe to say this – Be original, write about what interests YOU the most. You should write selfishly, only for yourself.

7. Describe yourself in seven words? 

Bookworm, Introvert, Achiever, Self-Centered, Confident, Creative, Animal-Lover

8. Dogs or Cats?


9. A TV show you can binge-watch forever?

There are so many! Greenhouse Academy, Just Add Magic, Trollhunters – Tales Of Arcadia will be the top three. Oh, and I just started watching The Bureau Of Magical Things, and I think that might be added to this list too.

10. A song you relate to? / A song you will never get tired of listening?

A Head Full Of Dreams song, which is part of an album of the same name. You should listen to it too.

11. Who is your favourite author?

As much as I wanted to answer all of the questions, I will have to abstain from answering this one. There are so many amazing authors out there, it would be unfair to pick one. But a few of the many authors I admire are – Agatha Christie, Shannon Messenger, Markus Zusak, Enid Blyton etc.

Okay, it was a lot of fun answering those questions. Thank you for these amazing questions, Riddhi!

My Nominees

Nehal @Books and Words

Annemieke @A Dance With Books

Cherelle @Cherelle The Bibliophile

Stephanie @Adventures Of A Bibliophile

M.T. Wilson @The Last Book On The Left

Sofii @A Book. A Thought.

Ahaana @Windows To Worlds

Tiction @Fictionally Crazy

Iris @Countless Words With Iris

Kay @ Hammock of Books

Evin @ A Curly Sue’s Ramblings

My Questions
  1. Which is the book that has a main character who is a lot like you?
  2. Which is the most gorgeous book cover you’ve seen?
  3. If you could invite five book characters to dinner, who would they be?
  4. Which would you prefer- Physical book or E-book?
  5. Whom would you like to meet – An author or an illustrator?
  6. A TV show you could binge-watch forever? (Sorry Riddhi, this question was just too good)
  7. What is your favourite reading spot?
  8. If you are at a gathering, would you rather talk to people, or sit in a corner reading?
  9. If you could wish for any one magical ability, what will it be? (Eg. Teleporting, Becoming invisible etc.)
  10. A song whose lyrics are currently stuck in your mind, and are replaying continuously?
  11. A book you could re-read again and again, and still enjoy it?

To the people I have tagged, there is certainly no pressure for you. But if you do decide to write a post, do ping me back, or post the link in the comments. I will love to read your answers.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post as much as I enjoyed writing it!

26 thoughts on “The Sunshine Blogger Award

  1. Congratulations!!🥳
    For starters, omg! I’m fascinated with languages too! Though, I’m not really the one for hindi, I absolutely love French and I try to converse in it, which doesn’t end well, believe me😂
    And then, I absolutely LOVED reading your answers! They’re awesome!😍
    And lastly(tho this holds more importance), THANK YOU for nominating me!! I really appreciate it!🤩🤩 Though, I may take a few days for the post, so sorry about that!
    Cheers to the awards we may receive in future!😄😄

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congoooooooo 😀😀😀😀😀 *virtual cake* 😀😀😀😀😀 *virtual donuts* 😀😀😀😀 *virtual pats on the bavks and warm hugs* 😀😀😀😀
    Ah!!! I love Enid Blyton too!!! Also, thank you so very much for nominating me 😃!!!!! I feel flattered and honored 😍😍😍!!!! I’ll let u know when I do the post, it may a quite some time tho (so sorry about that coz I have other drafts 😅) but I will do it and thank u so so much 😘😘😘


  3. Ooh great answers and thanks for tagging!! But I’ve already done this award, and I don’t do awards I’ve already done before.. sorry!! But I really appreciate the nomination 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oooh, awesome answers, I enjoyed reading them!! Thanks for doing the award!

    P.S.- I added the #3, cause it was the third time I got nominated for the award, you don’t need to add it!


  5. Rachel, thank you SO much for the nomination, I’m a little behind with my tags in general, but I promise to do it as soon as I can. ❤️✨ I love that you have chosen dogs, I know that most here are cat lovers and I’m all for dogs. 😍
    I adored your answers, have a beautiful day 🥰


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