This blog turns 1 year old! + An A to Z of me

You heard it right, last week was my first blogging anniversary! I have been blogging for one whole year now guys!! (well technically not a full year, since I took a few months to figure out how everything works before I started posting actively, but you get the point).

One year since a barely-teen decided she could not hold all her thoughts in that overfull mind of hers, stumbled upon wordpress and created a little space of her own, where she could talk all day about the thing she loved most – 📚books📚. (will she stop talking in third person now? Yes, she will.) So that’s how A Bookworm’s Paradise came to life. I had never ever ever dreamed that I would actually get such a wonderful audience like you all, and that I would actually commit myself to my readers like I have. It’s amazing, right? I know I don’t say this very often, but I feel at the top of the world whenever any of you take some time to read and appreciate my content.🥰 It is YOU who have made this journey possible, because I would have quit a long time back had it not been your encouragement.

Okay, that’s enough cheesiness for today (I spoiled the moment, didn’t I? You had just begun getting all puppy eyed). So I was thinking about it the other day, and I realized that most of you don’t know much about me apart from the fact that I am a bookworm (and you just need to see my website’s name to know that much). One year’s a long enough time to get acquainted, but now we should be friends, right? And friends should know little things about each other. That is why, today I will be introducing myself from A to Z, meaning that I will have a word beginning from each letter from A to Z, which describes me, or is a particular favourite or something along similar lines.

This idea is not original, I saw this post over at Asic’s blog and requested their permission to do a similar post. So without any further ado, lets get started!!

My zodiac sign is Aries, and I am what you’d call a typical, hardcore Aries! Competitive, aggressive, bold, will-say-it-to-your-face, impatient, impulsive – that’s me!

Duh. So obviously you know this, but books complete me and make me who I am.

I love chocolate!! Who doesn’t? But dark chocolate is the closest to my heart!!

I often zone out and day dream about the most ridiculous things. Seriously, my train of thought is not one anyone would like to travel by.

Most of you may know this as a faction from the Divergent series, but it is a real word and it means to have or show great knowledge or learning. While I would not like to say that I completely match the definition, I think out of the 5 factions in Divergent, this one would be the best fit for me.

Fire is my element, which is pretty obvious, since I am an Aries and I am so hotheaded and short-tempered. One touch and I ignite…

I think I have mentioned before that I really enjoy learning new languages. While I might be casually teaching myself other languages, German is the one I have been seriously pursuing. Not bragging here, but I gave the Fit 1 exam when I was 11, while the appropriate age for it is 15. And even now, I am learning the A2 level (from a European teacher!) alongside students double my age. So yeah, I like to consider myself kinda fluent in German.

History nerds, raise your hands! *raises both hands* Unpopular opinion among my peers, but I really like history in general. In school we had been studying Indian history for the past 3 years, and while I liked that, this year we have French, German and Russian history and that is so much more interesting! And also, historical fantasy is one of my preferred book genres.

My MBTI is ISTJ, but tbh I did not need that personality test to tell me that I am an introvert. Many of you would find it hard to believe that I have only one IRL friend who is actually a real friend of mine (not a “badminton friend” or “a classmate friend”), and I haven’t talked to even her since almost a year (I have Covid to thank for that). Hence proved that I am terrible at making friends and a completely antisocial person.

I am often very quick to judge people and I am so stubborn that I am not very likely to change my judgement of anyone. Just another glimpse at my ISTJ personality.

My Kindle has been my constant companion during the lockdown, as most of the books I have read in the past two years were e-books. My Kindle (not really mine, I share with my dad) is a regular old paperwhite with a dark blue external cover.

While I have absolutely zero musical talent, I do have a knack of memorizing lyrics of songs I hear, and I hardly ever forget them. This includes both Hindi and English songs.

March is my favourite month of the year. I love the March weather, and my birthday fall in March too!

I am a nature lover. It does help that my house faces a big trove of tall trees, and I have the most amazing view from my room window or my balcony. I took up bird watching as a hobby quite seriously last year (yup I have these hi-fi pair of binoculars which can sometimes show me even the eggs in the different nests!) and though I quit a couple months back, I still am very interesting in casual bird spotting and plant growing and other similar stuff.

I am a pretty good observer and often pay attention to small details which are mostly overlooked by others. But then again, at other times I am so focused or distracted that I don’t even notice what someone is doing or wearing 🙃

Aha, another one of my many interests! I enjoy writing huge codes and working out logic and debugging my programs. I also used to take programming courses before the lockdown and made a pretty impressive multi-functioning robot (I used Arduino, if you’re curious)

I like doing quizzes in general, but history quizzes and math quizzes (and of course, quizzes on books!) are particular favourites of mine!

I like to think of myself as a rational, practical and logical person, as I generally look for reasons behind things and try to verify stuff with facts rather than assumptions.

Okay so you certainly don’t need another reminder of how much I love the SoC duology, but it can’t not be on a list of my favourite things, right? It is a big deal for a book to make it to this list, and that’s how much I am obsessed with this.

I hate travelling. I don’t like eating anything that’s not homemade, or waiting for hours in airports or train stations, or dragging my suitcase behind me, or sleeping in an alien bed. I also get homesick really soon (no place like home, right?) Add to all this the fact that I am terribly motion sick, whether I am in a car or in a plane. That means, I can’t read while travelling!! Do you even need another reason?

I pride myself on being absolutely fair and unbiased in all situations. I play by the rules and don’t like somebody who doesn’t.

No not the icecream flavour. I do not like wearing dresses or wearing makeup. I have never worn heavy jewelry or put on nail paint in my life. A plain-Jane if you want, but I have no problem with it.

I think I win over people quite quickly (especially my school teachers lol) with my oh so charming words and often succeed with getting someone to warm up to me. A useful skill for getting out of trouble, right? I really hope my teachers don’t find out about this

I have had a love-hate relationship with the colour yellow. When I was little, yellow was by far my favourite colour. But something changed and about 3-4 years back, I started really disliking the colour. At present, my feelings toward yellow is almost neutral.

And that was me in 24 words! (Yeah, I couldn’t find anything that started with an x and z). Hope you got to know me a little better after reading this!

Can you pick up some words that describe you? Let’s chat in the comments!

22 thoughts on “This blog turns 1 year old! + An A to Z of me

  1. yay, congratulations! this post was so fun to read!! i can’t believe you’ve been here a whole year ;)) here’s to many, many more! maybe zesty for z? i don’t know, that’s the first thing that came to m mind. my divergent faction will probably be dauntless, but you seem very erudite-like! great post ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy blogiversary, I loved reading this post!! Also *high five* fellow history and quizzing nerd!! I love quizzes haha. I relate so much to the introvert bit – I’m friends with just about everyone but I can’t seem to get the hang of making best friends and the lockdown isn’t helping a bit😂
    Hope you continue blogging for a long time and create a lot of amazing content!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah yes I learnt Indian history for 3 years in school, and currently they are teaching us French history which is pretty cool…thanks Vanya!


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